pvt. wars
Starring: Adam Dennis Geiger, Victor Cuenca, Lukas Max Mireles
Directed by Dale Troy Robertson
Written by James McClure
Production Stage Manager: Hanako Rodriguez Set design: Jung Griffin
Lighting Design: Marsh Shugart Costume Design: Jenny Lin Technical Director: Becca Key
CREODE “connects audiences with integrity in theater through realism.”
But it does so much more than that.
This is theater by the people, for the people.
This is theater that represents the struggles of American citizens.
These are stories that audiences will see themselves in.
This is theater that audiences will remember to for years to come.
That’s why CREODE is Off-Broadway and Off-Off-Broadway’s
paramount real-and-raw theatrical production company.
Creode combines the Greek roots of “necessary” and “path.” Our art is a pathway to share a revolutionary message. Many of our plays focus on marginalized people in society finding the meaning in life, specifically having the value of their lives exploited for cheap labor or forced into jobs they do not endorse. Income inequality is now the highest since 1928, and, coincidentally, the Great Depression soon followed in 1929. As we face many similarities to that today, our new era has evolved and changed.
Businesses, and in our case theaters, are not able to offer affordable prices and a high-quality product, so they must be subsidized by the rich. We believe that art loses its integrity when its sole goal is to make profits. Our work is about something greater than money. It is honest and straightforward. Grounded in realism, we are united and aimed to oppose corruption and provide an unbiased voice to support human welfare.
We focus on the realistic form of production and revive plays by great American authors and playwrights, as well as producing new in-house plays. We believe in presenting affordable theater, while also providing a high-quality entertainment experience.
Creode presents theater that allows everyone to identify with the situations and characters on stage. We aim to bring realism to the new generation. We will bring in a new audience of youths and community members who these messages are especially important to.
While the axiom states “history repeats itself,” our generation faces similar problems as those oppressed throughout history – but these occurrences are always changing and evolving, a concept directly embedded into our company name, Creode. As a group, we will deliver life’s message using truth and realism.